Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why create another blog? What inspired this blog?

Why create another blog?  Because my other two aren't supposed to be about recipes.  LocalvoreOregon should be about local food products and politics.  Sage at Night should be about Jewish learning.  So why am I posting toasted coconut cookies there? 

I am an innovative cook - often using memories of pleasant events or places I've been, restaurant meals I've eaten and pictures I've seen in cookbooks - to create something new.  A great assortment of spices (bought in bulk from health food stores or online) makes economical and locally available ingredients seem exotic.

When my children lived at home, I would ask them where they wanted to eat tonight.  We had an upscale atlas, with photos of places all around the world.  A favorite game was to poke a finger at the most outlandishly dressed people in the book. Then I'd look up the regional cuisine for a few minutes online. 

Then I'd wing it, with usually splendiferous results.  (Occasionally odiferous results.)

My kids are grown and gone, but my husband is an adventurous sort, so the experiments continue.  I'd like to share them with you.

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